Letting Go & Freeing Our Souls

 Spring, summer, autumn—now winter, we watch leaves as they cling to branches, some refusing to let go even after changing color. They hold on as long as they can, despite the whipping wind, despite the raging rain, despite the spitting snow.

We watch leaves on trees dry and curl to a crisp in the cold.  Do we know why they will not let go? Maybe they are like us, refusing to free ourselves from obstacles and self-destructive behaviors.

We see how our lives correlate to the discovery of trees we view from spring to winter. We see spring disappearing from our lives. We see withered leaves now gripping to branches in the bitter cold. We are tired and have little strength to endure, but we still cleave, as leaves, meaninglessly unto the dry branches in our troubled souls, as trying to let go is not always easy. Yes, we know.

Let us search for peace, happiness or harmony even in the cold. Let us fill the void in our souls. Let us remove the withered leaves and dry branches. Let us take comfort knowing that, like leaves, we can cling to the past, sometimes, but we will not hold on when the past continues to destroy us.
Whatever life path we take, we must remember that seasonal changes are like life changes.

Let the leaves, trees, and the seasons teach us lessons in our everyday actions as we live our lives.

Slightly modified, "Letting Go" was previously posted on Conceive Writing - Letting Go.


  1. So far this winter is nice and mild, right? We are practically neighbors now.
    Nice post.

  2. This is definitely what I needed to read at the moment, so beautiful Peaches. Kisses! xo

  3. Even with the cold there can be happiness indeed, just have to let go

  4. Thank you for the beautiful reminder that we need to let go...

  5. Let the dead leaves all fall so we are ready for new growth.

  6. Yes, it can be painful and we often like to hang onto those dead things/leaves, but we have to release them to make way for new growth. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. This is a beautiful post! It's so true!

  8. Finding happiness and harmony in the midst of the cold is a very important advice!

  9. Beautifully expressed, Peaches, and such good food for thought. Thanks!

  10. We have so much to learn from the world around us--its gentle acceptance of change is one. Loved your post.

  11. I absolutely love this post. Thank you so much for sharing, and I love your way with words...fantastic.

  12. Letting go is sometimes the hardest lesson to learn.


These are our stories. Thank you for your kind comment and laugh as often as you can. Peaches D. Ledwidge, author of Day Laughs Night Cries: Fifteen